“Tool Function in the Past: Use-Wear, Residues and Techno-Morphological Analyses of Stone and Ceramic Materials”
Summer School 05-09 June 2017
Director: Prof. Cristina Lemorini

Application Submission can be accesessed at http://www.uniroma1.it/didattica/corsiformazione/tool-function-past-29344

Guest Researchers

Alice Vinet
Alice Vinet started her PhD in 2015 at the Paris 1 – Panthéon Sorbonne University in Paris. Her research focuses on the key issues of the Early Chalcolithic societies from Central Anatolia. Around 6000 BC, which correspond to the end of the Neolithic and the beginning of the Chalcolithic, important socio-economic changes took place in numerous of communities of Central Anatolia. While facing a population increase and new regional relationships, resulting from a millennium of sedentarism in western Anatolia, the villagers settled in new territories on the Anatolian plateau. Her project aims to study the cultural and economic interactions between two essential areas of the Anatolian Plateau: the Konya plain and Cappadocia. To document these interactions, she chose two contemporary sites: Çatalhöyük and Tepeçik Çiftlik. She is focusing on the obsidian industry, through a techno-functional approach. By comparing two lithic collections, she is addressing the socio-economic and cultural similarities and differences at a supra-regional scale.





Museo delle Origini 
Università Sapienza di Roma
Piazzale Aldo Moro,5 

